
TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO.- Congratulations IM Vishnu Singh and WFM Javanna Smith


Dear chess community

The management committee of your Trinidad and Tobago Chess Association offers heartfelt congratulations to our first ever International Master, Vishnu Singh. He achieved the milestone by tying for 1st in the CAC U20 in Costa Rica today. At long last we have shattered that glass ceiling and achieved what has eluded us for years. Thank you Vishnu.

We also celebrate the success of our own Javanna Smith who has earned the title of WFM by placing 3rd in the ladies section of the CAC U20. She was our first WCM, now she is our first WFM. Perhaps she’ll be our first Woman Grand Master soon. Thank you Javanna.

Of course with great pride and joy we have already written to the FIDE accepting all the fees for the new titles. We therefore look forward to seeing our nation’s early Christmas gift on the FIDE website soon, that is WFM and IM next to our players’ names.

As I close let me take the opportunity to wish a safe and merry Christmas to each and every one of you. May 2015 bring grace and prosperity to you and yours, and sustained peace and success to our chess community.


Anderson Gordon
President Trinidad and Tobago Chess Association

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