
ESTADOS UNIDOS.- So, Sevian & Shankland Represent USA in Tata Steel


Wesley So, who recently changed his federation to the USA, is playing in the 77th edition of Tata Steel Masters (Wijk aan Zee, January 9-25) along with Italian-American GM Fabiano Caruana and World Champion Magnus Carlsen. See full list of players here.

Globe-trotting GM Sam Shankland will be playing in the Tata Steel Challengers (see his trip report on Brazil and a report on his visit to Al Ain.) Sam told CLO, "I feel great, hope to play my best, and look forward to an amazing event".

Our newest American GM, Sam Sevian will also be playing in the Challengers. Sevian broke the record for the youngest GM in American history, besting records of Bobby Fischer and current US #1 Hikaru Nakamura.

The Boston Globe recently profiled Sevian, and quoted Garry Kasparov on his chess style:

Sevian’s gentle demeanor conceals a killer instinct.

“He plays extremely aggressive chess,” says Kasparov. “Sometimes it’s too aggressive, like in tennis, a powerful serve and rush to the net. We want to make sure he becomes more universal, because facing strong opposition will require other qualities.”

The Kasparov Chess Foundation is sponsoring Sevian and Shankland's participation in the tournament.

Fuente: USCF
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